Friday, March 26, 2010

UNIX Commands

UNIX Basic Commands

i am not a expert in unix and i always maintain a list of simple commands to work in the black i am posting it for people like for easy reference...

How to convert a file from dos mode to unix??
some time shell script developed in the window environment will create some problems because of carriage returns and other thing..those can be removed using the follwoing command

dos2unix movepdf

How to search files in unix??

find . -name "rc.conf" -print

This command will search in the current directory and all sub directories for a file named rc.conf.

Note: The -print option will print out the path of any file that is found with that name. In general -print wil print out the path of any file that meets the find criteria

How to search for a string in a selection of files (-exec grep ...).??

find . -exec grep "murthy ganjam" '{}' \; -print

If you want to just find each file then pass it on for processing use the -q grep option.
This finds the first occurrance of the search string. It then signals success to find and find continues searching for more files.

find . -exec grep -q "murthy ganjam" '{}' \; -print
This command is very important for process a series of files that contain a specific string.
You can then process each file appropriately.

How to view Files in UNIX??
use the cat command

cat filename
The more command will pause after displaying a page of text, and you can go on to the next page of text by hitting the space bar.
You can also do a keyword search of the text by typing

For example, if you were looking through a file using the more command, and wanted to skip to the word "drosophila" you would type

and the more command would search through the file until it found that word.


ls -a list all files, including the hidden ones
ls -g list which group owns the files
ls -lag list everything
ls *.txt list only files with a .txt on the end
ls data* list only files that start with the word "data"
ls -lrt list of all the files sorted

ls -la |grep '^d' Look only for files that are directories
ls -la |grep -v '^d' Let's only look for files that are not directories


cp -r * /tmp you would copy everything in the directory and RECURSIVELY (-r)
everything in the subdirectories underneath that directory to the /tmp directory.

cp file1 file2 copy file1 to a file called file2

cp file1 /tmp copy file1 to the /tmp directory

cp file1 ~smith copy file1 to the home directory of "smith"

cp * /tmp copy everything in the directory to the /tmp directory


mv file1 file2 rename file1 to the name file2

mv file1 /tmp move file1 to the /tmp directory

mv file1 ~smith move file1 to the home directory of "smith"

mv * /tmp move everything in the directory to the /tmp directory

mv dir2 /tmp move the directory called dir2,and everything in it, to the /tmp directory
There is no rename command in unix use this command to rename...

Remove Command:

rm * delete everything in a subdirectory

rm *.txt remove only files with a .txt on the end

rm data* remove only files that start with the word "data"

rm -r dir2 removes everything in the subdirectory "dir2"

CD Command:

cd change to your home directory

cd .. move up one level

cd ~applmgr change to the home directory of user "smith"

cd /tmp change to the /tmp subdirectory

Shell script for File Movement between Servers

From very long i used to get a common requirement that some system will place the files in a server.
the system should get the files and process them
for achieving this we need to have shell script which will connect to the server and ftp the files to the source server..
Plz find the sample script for doing this..
after writing the script we have to schedule the script in unix using a cronjob...

--Shell script starting
#! /usr/bin/ksh

chmod -R 777 /egltestarch1/oracle/EGLTEST/test/coa/*.txt

exec 4>&1
ftp -nv >&4 2>&4 |&

print -p open $HOST
print -p user $USER $PASSWD
print -p bin
print -p lcd /egltestarch1/oracle/EGLTEST/test/coa
print -p cd /egltestapps1/home/test/coa
print -p mget *.txt
print -p bye

exit 0
--Shell script ending name it as

this shell script is saved in /egltestarch1/oracle/EGLTEST/dba/sh/
After writing the script we need to a cronjon entry..this entry will run the script on the schedule we have given..

for this
crontab -e
using vi editior commands to make this entry below..this will run the script every minute and log is the written to the file specified on the right side...

# ftp files from application server to database server
* * * * * /eglprodarch1/oracle/EGLPROD/dba/sh/ > /egltestarch1/oracle/EGLtest/dba/log/ftpcode.log 2>&1

once the files are dowloaded make sure to delete or move to other folders to automate the FTP process...

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